Re: on the verge of shopping for new desktop hardware, recommendations?
Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 09 mar 21, 09:54:22, Dan Ritter wrote:
> > Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> There's something curious about that, especially considering that the
> PRO version (4350GE) is *not* OEM only!?
I don't think that's the case.
> It's almost like they confused the PRO with the retail version.
> Anyway, I wouldn't mind getting the 4350GE instead ;)
> (unless it's too expensive, of course)
There are some 4xxx series processors available, but all of them
are grey-market stripped from industrial flat-packs, and come
with a gigantic price tag as well.
> There might be a chance to get it as a bundle from some "creative"
> retailers, which would be fine as well if paired with my choice of
> motherboard and as far as I understand there are retailers that do sell
> OEM parts.
Right now, it appears to be a choice between HP and Dell unless
you want one of the laptop-class APUs (some of which are quite
nice) in which case Asus and Acer have some systems.
I'm currently at that point where my home desktop is still
perfectly capable, but notably slower than anything else in the
house. I'd really like to replace it with a microATX 4700G --
it's just that for the price I want to pay, HP wants to sell me
a crappy desktop with sub-par motherboard and NVMe, and very
likely a whiny power supply.
Time and patience should fix my problem.
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