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Re: Signature not working

>>Then you're confused: his `-- t` is perfectly normal and valid (just as
> No, I'm not confused.  '-- t' is NOT a valid sig separator.

Indeed it's not, and that's OK because Tomas doesn't use it as
a "signature separator" (the thing that should be `-- \n`), but just as
the last line of text in his email, which stands more or less for
his name.

There are 3 separate notions of signature here at play:
A) the `-- \n` notion of signature taken from ~/.signature.
B) the non-computer-related notion of someone adding his name at the
   end of his text
C) the cryptographic data meant to prove authenticity.

Tomas means his `-- t` to be of the (B) category (just like my `-nStefan`
below), and according to the RFCs with which I'm familiar it does indeed
correctly fall into the (B) category.

IIUC you think it was meant to be in the (A) category, but I have no
idea what makes you think so.


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