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Re: alternatives to gmail?

On 19/11/2019 22:21, ghe wrote:
On 11/19/19 9:16 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

yet another reason to find another email provider, not to be confused
with a webmail program requiring an email server I do not have for a
computer i do not own running a Linux distribution I cannot access.

Sorry, I misspoke. Protonmail isn't webmail, it's a web based email
client just like Gmail, but with some significant improvements. If you
can use Gmail on a browser, you can use Protonmail on the same browser.

I heard about it in an article on Internet privacy in the New York
Times. For use by us mortals, for sure.

Hi, using Protonmail here (full disclosure: I am a paying customer, no other interest/involvement whatsoever in Protonmail), the web interface requires javascript for login. There is a "bridge" feature available to paid users (in beta for Linux) [1] which can be used to get full end-to-end encryption with various mail clients (like Thunderbird) [2]. I don't think it fits the OP goals, but aside from that it is a very good encrypted email provider IMHO. As you can see I find gmail also perfect for publicly available mailing lists like this one, or various "garbage" grade mail subscriptions, I'd rather have them handle the spam than me...

[1] https://protonmail.com/bridge/install

[2] https://protonmail.com/bridge/thunderbird

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