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Re: installing lazpaint (a non-debian package) on a debian system, ideally in a user-level account

On 2019-10-19 11:24, Dan Hitt wrote:
There's a piece of software, lazpaint, that i would like to install on my debian system.
The project dates from 2011, so i think it's pretty well established.
So i'm wondering if there's some way to invoke dpkg to get it to install the package in a directory of my own choosing in my own area, and without using sudo.
The readme.txt on the Sourceforge "files" page:
says "The latest source code of BGRABitmap library and LazPaint is on Github:"
And you can find "noinstall" tarballs here:
I downloaded lazpaint7.0.7_linux64_no_install.tar.gz, extracted it, entered the created lazpaint64 directory and ran ./lazpaint. The app window opened nicely. I didn't try to do anything with it, but it might well be OK. All the necessary libraries seem to be bundled with it.

Anyway, you might give that a try. Put the extracted directory anywhere that's convenient, maybe add the command /path/to/lazpaint64/lazpaint to some menu...

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