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Re: python time module

On Sun, Jan 08, 2017 at 09:49:24PM +0100, Nicolas George wrote:
Le nonidi 19 nivôse, an CCXXV, lists@rickv.com a écrit :
re 1: It's not a bad thing to use a separate package manager for your
Python projects if you're getting into development with Python.

Actually, it is a bad thing. Package managers specialized for one
language are convenient for the developers heavily involved in that
language, but for everybody else they are a terrible thing.

Oh, I can see your point from your reasoning. I can amend my comment to
'It doesn't have to be a bad thing to use a separate package manager.'

It all depends on the use case and the goals. If the scope of these are
on a stable Debian system, you're totally right. If the OP, or any other
Debian user, is developing to contribute primarily to Python users and
the Python community, pip makes more sense. Whether a developer is
maintaining good update habits from there is largely a matter of how
they learned.
Best regards,

Rick Valenzuela
Shanghai, China

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