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Re: Light web browser for old PC

On 07/02/2015 03:52 AM, Wilko Fokken wrote:
In the past times, depending on a serial modem for internet access,
I preferred Opera, because it allows to switch ANY graphics OFF // ON
through simple menu buttons:

[View]--> [Images]--> { [Show images] || [Cached Images] || [No Images] }

(Any of the three options can be made the default, to be altered according
to one's need while browsing.)

So I had "No Images" as my default, starting Opera in "text only" modus;
this allowed me to move between URLs pretty fast, and when I had reached
an interesting URL, I could easily turn on graphics mode.

As pure text browsers, I prefer both: "elinks" and "lynx".

Displaying images or not has very few things related to the browser heavyness and celerity/velocity. What the OP asked for is a lightweitght browser (memory footprint) and potentially velocity in rendering pages (CPU cycle usage).

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