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Re: SOLVED Re: weird problem with one mail account in Thunderbird....ISP or what ?

On 05/31/2015 12:10 PM, Frank wrote:
I really would like to switch ISPs but basically the only other one
available is Bell Canada....whom I dislike more than Videotron!!

I live in California. Apparently, there are laws here that require the telephone company -- AT&T in my case -- to allow smaller companies to lease individual ADSL circuits and provide Internet service to customers connected to AT&T equipment. So, I have 1.5M/384k ADSL with static IP's through qnet.com. The upside is that I get an unfiltered 24x7 connection to the Internet and I don't have to deal with AT&T. The downside is that AT&T no longer invests in ADSL, so my connection will never get faster. Is there something similar where you live?


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