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Re: Replacing systemd in Jessie

Le 02.12.2014 08:05, Patrick Bartek a écrit :

>> > and more and more
>> > developers will start writing apps with systemd, or parts of it,
>> > as a dependency for the "features" it offers.

It's their choice - likewise it's your choice *not* to write
alternatives. It 'sounds' like you're proposing a regime where those
that produce have their "freedom of choice" constrained by "users".
I struggle to find a rationale that makes that reasonable or likely to
do anything other than destroy, given that the "user" has a choice.

User's do contrain.  They even dictate.  Always have.  Developers
should, if they are samrt, be developing what customers want or need.
Not the other way around. That's the formula for going out of business. Listening to your customers as well as your potential customers is just
good business.

How many projects have you, as a user, constrained to do something? Being commercial or not...

You may had some success in commercial softwares, because of contracts, but for small projects, or projects were the developpers are not paid, when they only contribute because they wan't to use it, but without having to suffer some bug or another, or with a feature they would like to have, I sincerely doubt you had constrained anyone.

Honestly... if you want to constrain people on their spare time, if you want to remove us the last part of fun we can have in programming, then... well, people wont listen you, to stay polite. And it's normal.

Open source developpers are not all paid for what they do. Only a minority is, and in this minority, I am not sure that the bigger part actually live from open source softwares. Of course, programming is just one of the various possible contributions to a project. But, most open source project starts by pure code and/or software engineering steps (most, because not games, for example, and there are probably some other around), and by that first base of code might, or might not, have contributions on other subjects (which are important too, I do not deny that. Even knowing that someone tried what you did may be a contribution which helps to continue working). But, maybe you know about a project which started by bug reports or translations on an empty codebase? Not a game, of course, that kind of projects definitely needs lots of very various skills. It may be why there are not a lot of pure FOSS games of high quality (I mean, there are many of them, but I feel like the ratio, when compared to other softwares, is by far lower that the same ratio in closed source world. Oh, and I mean graphical games, of course, not ascii ones): it does need by far more different skills than to build, say, a text editor.

Oh. And, you forgot something. FOSS developpers are the users of their work, unlike in commercial softwares. And it changes *a lot* of things, if not everything.

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