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Re: Time Zone Questions

On Friday 21 March 2014 09:05:37 Ron Leach wrote:
> >> I want to record some radio programs and DST and BST don't start
> >> and stop at the same times.
> >
> > The way you do this is you start whatever you're using to record
> > the programs with TZ="Europe/London" instead of changing
> > /etc/localtime
> Seems neat advice.  And London is going to shift from UTC to its
> local daylight saving time, British summer Time, BST, sometime in
> the next week or so.

01:00 GMT on Sunday 30th March.

> > (which should really be in UTC anyway).
> Oh.  Should it?  Why shouldn't the OP's system be in Chicago time,
> not UTC, if he's going to use a TZ= modifier to run his London
> (UTC) activity?

It is standard "good practice" to keep system time ("hardware clock") 
at UTC, and desktop time can be local time if you wish.  Whether the 
OP keeps his system and desktop clocks at UTC, Chicago time or any 
other, he will need to specify TZ=Europe/London unless he already has 
Europe/London as his local time in /etc/localtime.


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