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Re: How is typical home computer used today?

On Sat, 13 Dec 2014 11:53:48 -0500
Miles Fidelman <mfidelman@meetinghouse.net> wrote:

> Chris Bannister wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 08:48:41AM -0600, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >> Bret Busby wrote:
> >>> Surely, it would have all been so much simpler, if the original
> >>> poster in the thread, had put the question "To what personal
> >>> uses, do people put their computers?".
> >> What correlation need there be between *simple* questions and
> >> *useful* answers?
> > Surely. to get a useful answer, it is pointless to ask vague
> > questions.
> >
> >> The OP correctly phrased the question as "How is typical home
> >> computer used today?"
> > That doesn't read correctly phrased to me.
> >
> Does it not disturb anyone that most of the responses to this
> question have been about how the question was phrased, even though
> the intent was obvious.  What does it say about folks who post here?

That they are computer people.

'How do I do X?'

'You don't want to do X. You *never* want to do X. You need to do Y.
And by the way, you spelled X wrong.'


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