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Re: forks, derivatives, other distros - what are you thinking/doing

Le mercredi, 5 novembre 2014, 11.45:55 Haines Brown a écrit :
> This seems to me an entirely legitimate issue for the debian-user
> group, for it concerns whether Debian will continue to be useful in
> relation to the needs and values of its average user.

debian-user is not a "group of subscribers" where the people 
constituting said group can bring _any_ subject on the table; debian-
user is a forum with a specific focus, as outlined by the subscription 
page. A subject that is of interest to the subscribers of debian-user 
isn't necessarily on-topic.

Let's attempt an analogy: if several members of a literature club 
started to use the literature club room to (lively) discuss their common 
interests in motorbikes, ice creams or ponytails, I'd hope someone from 
the club would ask them to have these discussions outside of the room. 
That wouldn't mean censoring them or hindering their right to free 
speech; that would be ensuring that the (few remaining) members of the 
literature club can continue using the club room for its purpose.

I'm not saying these discussions should not happen (much to the 
contrary, even!); I'm saying they should not happen on debian-user, 
where, although certainly interesting for debian-user subscribers, they 
are not on-topic.

Note that I would be happy with mails starting a new off-topic 
discussion, but cross-posted with another mailing list, with a Reply-To 
to that other list and an explicit request to host the discussion there. 
(That would be the motorbikes member of the literature club chiming in 
the room to say "hey, we're starting a discussion about the latest 4-
cylinder motorbike in that bar there, you're invited to join.")


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