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Re: Good news on claws-mail

Le 19.10.2014 17:03, Steve Litt a écrit :
Rapid Application Development, Army Surplus
style, which of course makes me a pariah in the eyes of "real"
programmers. Life's tough.

Real programmers don't need RAD, they only use butterflies (1).

About RAD and interpreted languages, I do not really share what seems to be the common philosophy nowadays. My personnal opinion is that a good enough software will never kill a computer's resources alone, if the computer is correctly sized for the need, C, ASM, python or whatever might be the language. But my opinion is that, it's the accumulation of tools using different slow languages, which will kill the computer's resources (shell, python2, python3, php, perl, basic, whatever). I do not really mind and won't insult someone because he prefer a different techno, though. Except maybe if I notice that his software is contamining the other softwares I use. Plus, the shame with most of those languages is that, you can't be sure that it'll still work correctly on modern computers in 5 years: the languages might have changed in non-compatible ways (python?). That's why, I do not share your opinion on that point. But, I do not consider myself a good programmer, so don't worry I know I may be wrong --and am on a lot of points-- :)

1: https://xkcd.com/378/

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