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Re: End of hypocrisy ? (Alt. title: Learning to cope with systemd)

On 05/08/14, Don Armstrong (don@debian.org) wrote:
> These are just accessible reasons. The main reason that I personally
> voted for systemd over sysv is ...
> ...there's a reason
> why none of the CTTE members (myself included) voted for it.
> ... 

Thanks to Don for taking the time to write about the issue on debian-user; hearing from a member of CTTE is much appreciated.

In May, I wrote to ask for help in keeping systemd out (https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2014/05/msg00587.html) and got good help from Steve Langasek. Since my query owed a lot to my having lurked on debian-devel, I cc'd the note there. (To teach me manners, the very first response berated me for flame-baiting. (debian-devel/2014/05/msg00359))

Since then, I've had systemd-shim installed and in /etc/apt/preferences, a stanza reading
Package: systemd-sysv
Pin: origin *
Pin-Priority: -100
But I've also been trying to learn to cope with our future via init=/bin/systemd.

1. I had to give up using Eterm, which just races under systemd.  It took two days to figure out how to accomplish the same chore using aterm. (Complicated and uninteresting details available on request.)
2. I _think_ systemd broke my ability to print, or even to ping localhost. Three days of thrashing around with cups, hplip, including several reinstalls of both, and resetting locales went by, and then I noticed /etc/cups/cupsd-systemd-listen.conf.  I _guess_ it was installed behind my back without any warning. Two more days of thrashing around and the printer works again. But I made so many changes that I am not at all sure which of them finally fixed the problem.  Again, details available on request.
3. Learning to use journalctl and systemctl takes time.  Since systemd gives pretty good error messages, life got much easier I got to read them, by amending /etc/inittab by adding --noclear thus:
1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty --noclear 38400 tty1

I have no doubt I have much more to learn. Maybe some of you do too?  I look forward to your help.

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