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Re: Package system totaly a complete mess

On Lu, 09 iun 14, 08:35:44, Dalios wrote:
> # apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean && apt-get autoremove && apt-get update
> && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade

A few comments:
- autoclean after clean is redundant
- I don't think clearing your cache *before* the upgrade is such a good 
  idea especially on testing (and really dangerous on sid). When (not 
  "if") something goes wrong you can still downgrade packages using 
  dpkg, even if you network is down, system is unbootable, etc.

Especially for testing and unstable (but even on stable it can't hurt) I 
would recommend the following [use the tool you feel more comfortable 
with, I'll use the new 'apt' command because it's shorter ;) ]:

    apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade

(be careful about the last one, because it is allowed to remove 

    service <daemon> restart
    (restart also all other programs that don't have an init script)

checkrestart is in package debian-goodies. Also make sure you reboot if 
the kernel was upgraded (you did have a look at the package lists, did 
you?). If everything seems to work fine:

    apt-get autoremove # apt doesn't do this yet
    apt-get autoclean

For extra safety set APT::Clean-Installed to "no", because otherwise apt 
will remove all packages that are not downloadable any more. While this 
happens all the time in testing/sid as package versions are superseded 
it will also happen if your last 'update' failed for some reason (e.g. 
network was down). 

Kind regards,
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