Re: Dovecot *requires* MySQL?
On 1/2/2014 9:04 PM, Jordan Metzmeier wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Bob Bernstein <> wrote:
>> Setting out to install dovecot-imapd on a squeeze host via apt-get,
>> I discovered that:
>> The following extra packages will be installed:
>> dovecot-common libmysqlclient16 libpq5 mysql-common
>> I understand that neither of the two mysql debs named above provide
>> MySQL _server_ function, so why are they needed? I refuse to have a
>> MySQL server on (or doing business with) any host for which I am
>> responsible. I ma not really happy with that 'client' mysql thingie,
>> to be completely honest!
> Dovecot does not require mysql. The dovecot-common package
> *recommends* dovecot-mysql. Apt installs recommended packages by
> default, but they are not required. You can exclude recommended
> packages with --no-install-recommends. The only technical downside to
> having mysql-common and libmysqlclient16 is about 5KB of disk space.
Dovecot also supports LDAP and sqlite as the user database, so you
should have seen dependencies for libldap and libsqlite as well, and
also libpam which is the default user database. You'll also see libssl,
openssl, etc.
These are installed by default so that they simply work when you
configure dovecot to use them, instead of pulling your hair out when the
errors pile up in the log, and auth doesn't work.
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