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Re: oh no something is definitely wrong adieu debian.

Le 30.08.2013 10:23, Joe a écrit :
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:09:44 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

On Thu, 2013-08-29 at 18:58 +0100, Joe wrote:
> Some of the English also like beer, and while German lagers are well
> respected, so are Belgian and Danish ones, and some of us prefer
> unpasteurised bitters. Some even prefer fermented apple juice...

Yes, some Danish beer and even some English/Irish beers are passable. Belgian is known for good, but exotic beer flavours. I can't say much pro or con Belgian beer, I don't know their beer good enough. There's
a lot of drinkable Lager on our planet, I would drink a Fosters when
thirsty and nothing else should be available. The English and Irish
folks perhaps should learn to use refrigerators, I guess no beer from
any country does taste good when it's not could.

Would you chill red wine? Unpasteurised bitter is drunk for its taste,
much of which is lost when chilled. Agreed, lager must be very cold,
like white wine.


Technically, it depends on the red wine. I am not good with wines, but in France I know people which drink *some* red wines "cold" ( around 12° IIRC ). Same for some white wines, some are better to ambient temper. I could ask my father about that, he knows wine better than me, but I think it depends on if the wine is "sec" or another variant.

I like to compare beers (that I prefer, although I do not say no to some wine) with wines: there are too many sorts to have rules of thumb. Except that the foster is for when there is nothing else, of course, but you know what? French guys are able to make worse... (I will not name them except if asked for, because I have big problems to name those stuff beers) I think that most countries are able to brew some drinkable beers, anyway. In France I like the jeanlain, even if I know that we are not as good as Belgians for beers (I have no real knowledge about Germany's beers. As I never say that I know beer, only that I know them better than average French people ;) ).

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