Re: debian-6.0.7-amd64 how to set resolution and refresh for free NVIDIA X drivers?
On 04/12/13 06:35, Brian wrote:
You might want to do that but the manual for the Asus M2NPV-VM indicates
the motherboard and graphics chipset will not co-operate with you. Can
you see why?
"Manuals? We don't need no stinkin' manuals!" The first thing I do
when I open the box is grab the motherboard (after rubbing my feet on
the carpet). Then, I throw away the box and everything else that came
with it. ;-)
You are welcome to come over to my house (Tracy, California) and witness:
1. 1600x1200 @ 85 Hz on Windows XP SP3.
2. 1600x1200 @ 85 Hz on Debian Squeeze using an NVIDIA proprietary
driver. Here is its xorg.conf FWIW:
And how about the results of the recommended testing method? ... hours of endless fun.
xorg.conf has worked for me for more years than I can remember. It
continues to work for me on systems with Intel graphics.
(Personal note: there's a hint in the previous sentence.)
Sorry, but I'm not wading through disorganised text.
What?! You're missing out on an opportunity for "hours of endless fun"!
When Wheezy becomes "stable" I'll see if that works OOTB.
Thank you, all. :-)
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