Re: Mozilla Firefox ESR for 64bit systems
On Mon, 01 Apr 2013 14:20:02 +0200
Andreas Glaeser <> wrote:
> it seems to be necessary to remove
> iceweasel first, prior to using Firefox.
> # apt-get remove iceweasel
I'm running sid on a x86_64 setup and I didn't find your instructions to remove
iceweasel worked like you suggested:
# apt-get remove iceweasel
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
acroread-data acroread-l10n-en bwidget fuse-utils ia32-libs-xulrunner
libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev liblapack3gf libqt4-dev-bin libqt4-opengl
libqt4-webkit menu-xdg mesa-common-dev qt4-linguist-tools qt4-qmake
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
iceape iceape-browser iceape-chatzilla
Suggested packages:
fonts-stix otf-stix xul-ext-dom-inspector libgnomeui-0
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
iceape iceape-browser iceape-chatzilla
Not wanting iceape etc, I unzipped the file (sic) firefox-17.0.5esr.tar.bz2
un-arc(ed) this and (in which) it created it's own directory (firefox) I 'cd' to
that directory and ran firefox..
$firefox ./firefox
It looks just like iceweasel excepting for the usual few incompatible
Now I have firefox ESR 17.0.5 OR iceweasel 10.0.12 one can take one's pick.
What am I looking for here, better HTML 5 (?) Will that do away with all those
video-not-available messages I see on youtube, or make things worse?
More options are generally welcomed.
Before anyone wants to make the suggestion to remove iceweasel after installing
firefox, apt-get remove (still) wants to install iceape etc. in iceweasel's place.
(after firefox is installed) Unless I want iceape and the iceape browser and
chatzilla installed, I have to keep iceweasel in place. Could this be a bug.
happy trails
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