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Re: Wheezy Installer Auto-Partition Oddity

On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 10:10:30PM -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> I understand the need to align partitions particularly when dealing with RAIDed drives.  It's just that I thought partitioning utilities for some years now have automatically aligned partitions.  However, I've never noticed 1MiB gaps until recently.  Of course, I have always manually partitioned in cylinders.
> > At any rate, let the tool add the space; it even will calculated the correct
> > size and sector alignment for you.  It may be untidy, but it does no harm.
> It's not that a megabyte here or there is lost.  It's the not knowing "why" that's bothersome.

Have you thought about talking to the debian-boot people
(mailto:debian-boot@lists.debian.org, irc://irc.debian.org/debian-boot)?
The poeple on Debian-Boot are more likely to know about the internals of
the installer.

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