Re: Running sequencer software (was Running jackd).
Good time of the day, Dennis.
Thank You, Dennis, for Your time and answer. You wrote:
> Oh, don't worry. jackd will be around then just as it is today. It's
> been here for quite some years now and people are actually quite happy
> with it.
No problem. Then the bugs w/ configuration/running will be fixed in
> Personally I've never started jackd from the command line, yet. But
> granted it takes a few tries in qjackctrl to find the right settings.
> If the jackd process is killed it might be a resource problem with RT
> being the cause or not. In order to try that you can run jackd and all
> audio apps as root user, because the root user may always start RT
> processes.
It's been said that it is bad idea to run it that way, troubleshoots
can be done another way also. For example, jackd param.s can be non-RT
> Either that or as it has been said, it's a problem with the sound
That what I hope will be solved w/ a time - that the server will auto
self configure depending on the s-cards it runs on.
> card. But then, for midi only you don't need jack. If you want, try
That's true - LMMS plays midi or timidity - w/o jack, but other editors
(just want to try it - never used before) would not start OR do not
output sound from .mid files.
> out muse, which is really a fine midi sequencer. Start with -a option
> so it doesn't complain about jackd not running. Than go to settings
> --> midi devices and set up your midi outputs. This setup is working
> for me for at least two years now. Have to say though, that I'm
> running the bleeding edge svn trunk since the muse devs are very
> quick in adding new features and fixing bugs.
Wow! For me too! I just changed the ports to timidity for every track
and works! Thank You Dennis! - I would long time guess that the GUI
app. has command line parameters! - Oh, why the developers are so
users-friendly as to provide not a "fall-back" (-a option) in case of
jackd failure?! - But they rather keep it their app. not usable at all
then themselves turn it to use the mode called w/ -a option on CL !
Have thought to fill a page on some Debian wiki relating to the Muse
and the jackd problem? To simple steps as to magical -a option and the
ports change to timidity running make sense - for the happy jackd users
like me! :o)
How did You fight w/
ls -l /dev/rtc0
crw------- 1 root root 254, 0 Jan 7 19:12 /dev/rtc0
timer permissions?
For me at start time, Muse complains on low timer frequency of ALSA -
250 against its minimum of 500.
> So how are you going to listen to your midi files? What soundcard are
> you using and what midi equipment?
I run timidity.
My sound is old "[AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)" built-in
controller on laptop.
That's it. In near future I plan to purchase a MIDI-keyboard for using
w/ the sequencers I will get habit w/ .
Again, big thanks for Your time for me, Dennis!
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