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Re: Installation

On Sun, 23 Sep 2012 17:53:38 +0200, lee wrote:

> Camaleón <noelamac@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:25:34 +0200, lee wrote:
>>> Following your argumentation, which OS someone uses is only a matter
>>> of which OS other people someone chooses to surround themselves with
>>> are using when they do not want to learn or to solve problems.
>> (...)
>> For the lazy users who are not interested in what their systems are or
>> run, a big _sure_. If there were nobody solving their issues (and I'm
>> quite confident that Windows users have *a lot of* problems) they will
>> look for another solution that "breaks" less... it can be Apple (but
>> their products are not affordable) or it can be -oh, what was the
>> name...-, ah, yes, Linux.
> They don't think like that.

Sure they do. Money is a very powerful and convincing argument.

>>> (Is it really $250 for a windoze license?  I have one I couldn't avoid
>>> getting; maybe I should sell it.  If you want to make an offer, please
>>> send it directly to me and not to the list.)
>> Last time I checked (at the time Windows 7 was out) that was the price
>> for the stand-alone (non-upgrade) retailer box you can find at any shop
>> but now, with the new upcoming "product" (Windows 8) this could have
>> changed, of course.
> That's crazy.

What exactly?



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