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Re: Installation

Am 20.09.2012 um 16:31 schrieb Camaleón:

For the lazy users who are not interested in what their systems are or
run, a big _sure_. If there were nobody solving their issues (and I'm
quite confident that Windows users have *a lot of* problems) they will
look for another solution that "breaks" less... it can be Apple (but

I *must* use Apple here in the company. Maybe Apple breaks less than Win$. But if it breaks, it's more boring than Win$. Mac OSX is sometimes the hell for a software developer or a server- admin.

But for a simple user a tablet is maybe the best choice.

their products are not affordable) or it can be -oh, what was the
name...-, ah, yes, Linux.

Linux is a good (the best?) choice, if you want stability, good diagnosis, special configurations.

And the installer of Debian did a great step forward since ~2003 -- especially in simplicitity and flexibilty.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

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