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Re: multiarch - please do not force users to change a running system!

Hi Martin, 
> We had it in debian-user-german to an almost unbearable extent. Please
> read some of the recent threads there.
> Thus please forgive me when this starts getting on my nerves.
> I may better try to stay away from this thread from now on.
Thanks for your long answer. Well, please don't be angry of my questions. I 
know, it might be annoying. However, I tried to switch to multiarch, and of 
course, I understood things. 

But I also have to admit, that it was not quite easy, to switch to. I learned, 
that there are still a lot of dependency problems, as multiarch is still on 
the way and new. And do not tell, there are none!  

However, I found meanmwhile a solution for me, but besides this, let me also 
explain, what things occur.

1. Adding i386 repo wanted to deinstall ia32-libs. Ok, I did and installed 
many 32-bit libs. Soi far so well. During the update it did googleearth and 

Ok, I build a new googleearth package, but oh wonder, it needs ia32-libs-*. So 
I had to reinstall this package again. Yes, dependency problem!

apt-get -f install reinstalled the needed libs again for googleearth.

The same with the skxpe package (I installed the latest amd64-version) and 
needed several amd64-libs, too and - ia32-libs.

But it was not over! I then wnated to install nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx, 
and BOTH, 64-bit and 32-bit version. I installed it with DKMS, you know the 
way. BUT, the libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386 wants to deinstall libxvmc4 amd64-version 
(as far as I remember), and doing so, mplayer and some other applications, 
which depend on the amd64-version, are also going to deinstalled. 

So don't tell me, that there are no dependency problems. There are! 

Please notice: I understand, that multiarch work is still in process. I 
understand, things must not work perfectly at the moment! I understand, 
developers have not much time to fix things at once! I understand, developers, 
have a private life! And notice, everything, I pointed at, must NEVER be fixed 
at once. There must even not to be a solution at once! 

I understand and accept everything in debian. But I do not accept, to tell me, 
I do not understand things, when there ARE problems. I read the wiki, I 
understood the wiki, but when there are things not ok, no one should be blamed 
to tell it.

As I said in my first message: Under no circumstances was it my intention, to 
mourne or make someone angry. I wanted to understand, what was not quite 
clear. To understand, to find a solution. I found it now!

And here is now the point to say: Thank you very much for all, who helped! 
Thank you very much, indeed! 

Very best regards


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