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Re: IMAP4/POP3 server that supports mbox?

Sven Hartge grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> David Guntner <davidg@akamail.net> wrote:
>> Yes, I'm one of those fogies who still prefers the main mailbox for
>> users to be in /var/spool/mail (which is apparently a link to /var/mail
>> in Debian :-) ).
>> I need an IMAP4/POP3 server which supports SSL, and while the IMAP
>> server can access the userspace of the logged-in user to get to files in
>> their home directories (such as $HOME/Mail for mail folder storage), I
>> still use /var/spool/mail as the delivery point for the user's inbox.
> The answer is: Dovecot
> Documentation for version 1 included in Debian Squeeze is at
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/

Thanks!  Missed that one while I was doing aptitude searches. :-)  From
the description, it sounds like it does what I want, and I don't see it
declaring a conflict with Postfix or Procmail, so I'll give that a shot.

Thanks again!


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