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Re: iceweasel based on firefox 6.0 for squeeze

On 26/09/11 04:51, Allan Wind wrote:
> On 2011-09-25 17:56:32, Brian wrote:
>> The squeeze version of Iceweasel doesn't lose its usefulness 
>> because there is a later version out.
> The environment changes relative to a frozen browser which reduce
> the usefulness to me.


What changes in the internet render the default Squeeze Iceweasel
unusable other than the latest extensions?
We're a long way from HTML5 yet.

NOTE: warning from webservers based on version numbers doesn't count.

> Google Apps was mentioned earlier which used to work and now give
> you an ugly warning upon login.  Their admin interface to add/remove 
> users did not work for many months (I had to install chromium for 
> that task).

Does when you change the useragentstring.

> Addons for Firefox continue to evolve and some do not preserve 
> backwards compatibility.

Agreed. Conditionally.

Some extensions can be installed from Debian repositories or the Mozilla
extensions page. If installed from the Debian repository (eg "apt-cache
search xul-ext") you will need to pull them from Wheezy *and* in some
cases they will still need you to "hack" the minversionnumber before
they'll work (noscript, adblock-plus, firebug etc)

If using mozilla repository to run backported versions of IceDove - best
to uninstall all extensions installed from Debian repositories - then
upgrade, then install only from the Mozilla extensions site.

There will still be occasions when you may need to install other
packages from Wheezy or Experimental depending on your extensions/plugins.

> Firebug comes to mind.

It requires packages from Wheezy - but it will run on Squeeze using
Iceweasel 6.0.2 (I run 1.8.3)

> While you can continue to use the old version, you no longer get the 
> benefit of improvements or bug fixes in addons.

Sometimes unsupported extensions become invisible in the extensions page
in Iceweasel - but cause major slowdowns in page rendering. eg.
PageSpeed if Firebug is not upgrade.

>> The later version may have a few more *additional* useful 
>> enhancements but that is not what point 4 is about, And what is in 
>> Iceweasel 7.0 which makes it urgent for *all* users to have it 
>> available in squeeze-updates?
> I appreciate the benefits of stable especially on the server side. 
> But does anyone really benefit from running Firefox 3.5.x opposed to 
> more current version?

Yes - everything. just. works.

Changing the useragent string solves most of the complaints about
"unsupported version" messages from sites, leaving only unsupported
extensions as a reason to upgrade.

>> Backports and mozilla.debian.net are the places for updated Mozilla
>> packages. They are splendid resources.
> I knew of backport but not iceweasel-release.  How do people find
> out of those semi-official repos?

Search engines....

> Is there a way to tell how many people actually make use of it?


> If it is more than x% should it not be the default configuration?

The process for deciding that is a vote.

> /Allan


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