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Re: FullHD notebook support under Debian (sid)

2011/4/30 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org>
How one is supposed to be able to use a 16:9 screen for any coding, report
writing, spreadsheet work, and even *reading*, I have no clue.  Hell, it is
useless even for presentations, and that's saying something...
Let's see... 
Text Processor: it's not good to preview the whole page, but it's nice when you fit to width;
Spreadsheet: Don't mind having more columns than rows - it's quite common to print spreadsheet in landscape;
Presentations: I think it's where being compatible with TV sets matter more - also good presentation (to me) has no bullets and lots of pictures and also some video;
Coding: I can't see the difference? May be having two windows tiled could be nice...
I mean, I can get some use out of 16:9 >22" screens as I just use them as if
they were two smaller screens side by side or get a monitor that lets me
rotate the screen, but in a small notebook?
I think you can still call a ~15" portable... and I think I prefer a second screen with the same size/resolution.
IMO tablets WILL kill the notebook in the next five years, if only because a
tablet can be used in the proper orientation for serious work (including
reading) AND you can attach a bluetooth keyboard to it.
I'm quite sure they will compete with netbookd and e-readers, but I think mosy people who is buying standard notebooks are those with eventual mobility. Notebooks become an alternative do desktop because of silence, size, power consumption and, just in case, portability.

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