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Re: Things I Don't Understand About Debian

On 02/25/2011 06:16 PM, shawn wilson wrote:
> 'nothing but time' - you know that businesses spend tons of money to get
> more 9s of uptime.
> if a website grosses $500 an hour (for ads or for what they sell) and
> you wipe the box and reinstall, you might have lost $2k (if you're real
> good at setting up a web server).

It takes you 4 hours to setup a web server?! Wow. You know, there are
ghosting and imaging technologies that you can use to have a pristine
"golden image" restored in under 3 minutes, right?

Depending on your network and data restoration techniques, you should be
able to restore data back on the drive as fast as the drive can go.
Assuming this is a data center with raided FC or SCSI drives (you should
be able to afford that if a single server is responsible for $500/hour
of revenue), there should be no reason why you can't achieve 300 MBps
during the restore- 800 MBps if using a moderate SAN. My experience has
shown that when a box goes down, and I need to rebuild, if I'm at it for
more than 20 minutes, I'm wasting time.

> and if you use something from your
> previous install that has something you don't want, you've gained
> nothing. if you go and reinstall the backend db, you might have gained
> nothing as if you recreate the db with your old data that has an account
> you don't want or a trigger that does something you were trying to stop,
> you gained nothing.

Garbage. That's the whole point of restoring data. If you are rebuilding
a server that just got compromised, you restore everything the server
contained up to break in.

> remember, there is rarely a good reason to reboot a linux box and even
> less of a reason to reinstall.

More garbage. There are _many_ good reasons to reboot a UNIX or
GNU/Linux server:

* Proper maintenance ensuring all services start on boot.
* Cleaning out stale memory and swap as a "refresh".
* Booting into a new kernel.
* Forcing applications to use the new libraries.
* Ensuring all hardware is still in good, working order.
* Running filesystem checks on filesystems to make sure data is sound.
* Even modifying partitions or filesystems to accommodate new storage needs.

> imo, good logs, properly configured ids, services run in chroot,
> selinux, and properly configured f5 are better than wasting time for no
> good reason.

Anything is better than wasting your time. What's your point?

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