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Re: external drive enclosures / esata / port multipliers?

Okay... since this is not something I can go to the local office supply store (around here its either that or mail order) and pick up and look at it and see that tab A goes in slot B (i.e. how things physically fit/work together)... how exactly would I set this up, and what would I need?

Lets say that I want to go with a four-bay enclosure as mentioned before. Something like this is what I had been looking at:


4-bay enclosure w/ eSATA card + cable:	$130
Hitachi 2TB SATA HDD ($120x4):		$480

Grand total:				$610



Then I would need a SAS HBA card like this:


Plus a cable like this:


Which if I get it all 'bundled' from that place, prices out like this:

4-bay enclosure:			$279
Areca 1300x4 card + cable:		$197
Hitachi 2TB SATAII HDD ($130x4):	$520

Grand total: 				$996

Is it really 50% mo betta? If so, is the SAS setup I listed a good, basic choice? I'd rather this stuff last a long, long time if possible.



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