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Re: Frustration made me do it.

Dne, 19. 11. 2010 06:37:32 je Dan Serban napisal(a):

Icedove likes to make my computer behave like a 386 (downloading
and indexing millions of IMAP messages..

Erm ... isn't that what computing is all about? I mean, if you look closer, some programmers think that their mission won't be accomplished until they make our multigiga-multicore uebermachines behave *exactly* like the original 8086. So there's still some room to go, but we're closing in fast.

It's actually more general than that, if you think about it. Give a man a 6-lane highway, and you can bet your arse he'll make the traffic slow down to a crawl. Double a man's Internet bandwidth, and you can bet your other arse that he'll treble the size of his downloads, and quintuple the complexity of www pages -- effectively managing to make the Internet slower than before. Hmm, I'm running out of things to bet here ...


Klistvud http://bufferoverflow.tiddlyspot.com Certifiable Loonix User #481801 Please reply to the list, not to me.

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