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Re: SSH: remote login returns "invalid user"

David Jardine <david@jardine.de> writes:

> I'm afraid I've forgotten - or didn't read - earlier details.  Have
> you got a public IP address?

My router does. It seems it has a dynamic address assigned to it by my
ISP. I guess this is what you mean by a public IP address.

> Can you ping the domain name from outside your network - from an
> Internet cafe or a friend's machine?  Have you set up a web server?
> Can you access that from outside?  Does your IP address point to
> your ISP's server or to yours?

No way to get readily to an internet cafe or friend's machine, but I
find that when I try from my machines on my local router, I get:

  PING historicalmaterialism.info ( 56(84) bytes of data.
  From ge-0.fw-1.torrance.omnis.com ( icmp_seq=1
    Destination Port Unreachable 

This is the first time I've had this happen. Perhaps my problem would
be resolved if I assigned the standard SSH port number (22), but when
I try append ::22, the address cannot be resolved.  

I have not set up a web server, but only have a web hosting account
other than with my ISP. I can ftp to this account. The IP address of
my router is assigned by my ISP's server.

Haines Brown

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