Re: It looks as if OpenOffice is sick.
On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 00:44:32 +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Jun 2010 19:09:36 -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> On 06/06/2010 03:13 PM, wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 05:44:13PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 07:08:55PM +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>>>>> I wrote a page with a footer containing a page number. I had no
>>>>> trouble saving it as an .odt file, but OpenOffice 3.0 crashed when I
>>>>> tried to
>>>> Really 3.0? Umm. what? We're at 3.2 now since months.
>>> Just in case it helped, a few days ago I just upgraded to 1:3.2.0-9
>>> (that's what interactive aptitude says I have, anyway) and the problem
>>> persists. But openoffice does now come up again after a .fodt crash.
>>> But it still won't do anything with .fodt files except crash.
>> Can you post a reproducer to some ftp or web site? (The one fodt that
>> I have works perfectly.)
> Since several people have had success with version 3.2, I suppose I
> should try it again, just to make sure I'm really talking about the
> right version. It's [possible I misremember a detail of what I didn, or
> that somehow I was still getting the old version after installing the
> new one .. maybe some process was still accessible form the window
> manager cache, or something like that. I'll try again after a full
> shutdown and reboot just to make sure everything is as it seems.
> I know at one time with the older version, when I couldn't get it to
> come up after the crash, I found a process called something like
> soffice-bin was still hanging around. I killed it and OpenOffice (which
> I had previously started from the command line with no apparent success)
> came up immediately. Maybe there was something like that going on after
> the upgrade???
> Thanks. I'll be back with a success report, or else with a fully
> detailed failure!
Sadly, it's not a success report. I failed to create a .fodt file.
The openoffice I'm using reports itself as:
ooo-build, Debian 1:3.2.0-9 Sun May 2 18:53:43 UTC 2010
I start OpenOffice writer from the many my window manager provides.
I start mousing around.
I start a new document.
format->page; check footer on
click into that footer.
insert->fields->Page Number
A page number appears at the left end of the footer.
format->paragraph; Alignment Option Center OK
file-Save As
set Name: TestPage
select OpenDocumentText (flat XML) (.fodt)
I get Document Recovery
Due to an unexpected error, crashed. All the files you
were working on will now be saved. The next time is
lanuched, your file will be recovered automatically.
The following will be recovered:
Untitled 1
Untitled 2
Alas. it's not working yet. My guess is there's some Debian OpenOffice
package that you guys have and I don't. Or else that there's some file
you have left over from an old version that I don't. Or something like
that. But I could be completely wrong on this.
-- hendrik
> -- hendrik
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