Re: Looking for a .fodt validator
On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 16:37:45 +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 21:49:35 +0000, Camaleón wrote:
>> You can choose any XML validators out there :-)
> To uise that, I'd first have to have the XML schema for .fodt.
> What's more, that page seems to be about validating a schema, rather
> than checking whether an XML file satisfies the schema.
> Maybe I'm wrong. Am I missing something?
It checks xml syntax.
So it depends on what do you want to validate, DTD, schema, DOM syntax?
There are also schema validators:
OASIS site should have "fodt" schemas you can use as template for
guidance on creating the file and then cheking against that :-?
>> Also, if you open the file with a web browser (epiphany, iceweasel...)
>> it will tell the errors it finds.
> iceweasel just reads the XML file and shows it to me in a nice indented
> tree format. It's good to know I have such a tool. But it finds no
> errors. Persumably, therefore, my XML is OK but I've violated the .fodt
> schema, or hit a bug in OpenOffice Writer.
That indicates the XML syntax of your file is valid, but yes, OOo is
maybe crashing because cannot interpret the syntax. Launch OOo writer and
load that fodt file from command line to see the output errors.
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