Re: Looking for a .fodt validator
On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 21:49:35 +0000, Camaleón wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 20:23:58 +0000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
>> I found an .odf validator online at
>> validator (upload a file and it tells you if it likes it), but it
>> doesn't handle fodt. It complains it hasn't been compressed and
>> packaged as a .zip file. Now surely it's *less* work to check .fodt,
>> because you don'thave to do all that pesky unzipping, but ...
>> Anyone know a validator that checks .fodt files? I'm generating my own
>> .fodt and OpenOffice is crashing on it, so presumably there's something
>> wrong.
> You can choose any XML validators out there :-)
To uise that, I'd first have to have the XML schema for .fodt.
What's more, that page seems to be about validating a schema, rather than
checking whether an XML file satisfies the schema.
Maybe I'm wrong. Am I missing something?
> Also, if you open the file with a web browser (epiphany, iceweasel...)
> it will tell the errors it finds.
iceweasel just reads the XML file and shows it to me in a nice indented
tree format. It's good to know I have such a tool. But it finds no
errors. Persumably, therefore, my XML is OK but I've violated the .fodt
schema, or hit a bug in OpenOffice Writer.
epiphany just says, on startup,
Unable to load page
Problem occurred while loading toe URL file:///home/hendrik
No idea why. It certainly used to start up before the last upgrade. Bt
it's probably unrelated to this thread
-- hendrik
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