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Re: Temporary deconnection from the Internet when too much pages are loaded

On 2010-04-15 06:38, Merciadri Luca wrote:
That is what I did. No ping answer, whatever the IP or DNS. Just as if I
was not connected. But my router is still connected to the WAN, and the
router is still connected to the LAN.


Before opening the pages, start capturing packets (using wireshark if you must, or tshark from the CLI).

Your symptoms *probably* happen to me, but I just accept it as part of Firefox's poor threading.

For example, if I "kill -15" the Iceweasel pid then exit the GUI to apt-get upgrade and then restart xfce and Iceweasel, all the (4 or 5) windows and (total of 20-50) tabs restore. It takes 3-4 minutes for all of them to complete loading.

Dissent is patriotic, remember?

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