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Re: VLC cannot support the traditional music keys

Merciadri Luca ha scritto:
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Lorenzo Beretta <lory.fulgi@infinito.it> writes:

I'm on testing (which has vlc 1.03), but from what I remember old vlc
versions used to look something like this:

CTRL    |       ALT    |       KEY    |      ACTION
 n      |       n      |        'p'   |    play/pause
 y      |       y      |        's'   |    stop
 n      |       y      |        'p'   |    rewind

that means, simply:
play/pause --> 'p'
stop       --> alt + ctrl + 's'
rewind     --> alt + 'p'

(this configuration of course is not what I'm using)
The only key which works here, with your shortcuts, is the `p'. (It
actually goes to the next track, but it produces a result, though not
the expected one.) No problem, don't worry.
Same here - with the default key settings; what I wrote above is just an example with random keys, the idea is that if eg you want ctrl+alt+s to rewind, you must have 's' in the "stop" action, and select both the ALT and the CONTROL checkbox.

in case you're interested, new versions of vlc make it easier (imho)
Why? Can one make his own key combinations? Hope so: VLC has so many
functionnalities, but this one is cruelly missing...

- -- Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
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Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


"easier" because it's modelled after kde - that is, you select an action, vlc tells you "ok - which keys?", you press them, and that's it.

Btw, what do you mean by "missing"?
I may be wrong, but I think you forgot to check "show advanced options" - search for it, it's turned off by default to make life easier on new users ;D

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