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Re: VLC cannot support the traditional music keys

Merciadri Luca ha scritto:
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Hi folks,

I am using VLC 0.8.6h Janus (with wxWidgets). Totem and other GNOME's
built-in players make the appropriate action when I press a specific
music key on my (damn Microsoft, but standard) keyboard.
However, it is not the case with my VLC. It simply does not act when I
press `Play,' `Stop,' `Previous' or even `Forward' on my keyboard. I
looked in the options, and the user seems to be allowed to configure
the keys, but there are strange checkboxes with Alt and Ctrl, and I do
not understand why. I tried pressing keys for specific actions in the
list of VLC keys' shortcuts, but it seems not to be of great interest,
as VLC still does not make anything for me.

Any idea?

- -- Merciadri Luca
See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.5.8 <http://mailcrypt.sourceforge.net/>


I'm on testing (which has vlc 1.03), but from what I remember old vlc versions used to look something like this:

CTRL    |       ALT    |       KEY    |      ACTION
 n      |       n      |        'p'   |    play/pause
 y      |       y      |        's'   |    stop
 n      |       y      |        'p'   |    rewind

that means, simply:
play/pause --> 'p'
stop       --> alt + ctrl + 's'
rewind     --> alt + 'p'

(this configuration of course is not what I'm using)

in case you're interested, new versions of vlc make it easier (imho)

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