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Re: bank web page problem in iceweasel/iceape

tyler wrote:
> "H.S." <hs.samix@gmail.com> writes:
>> H.S. wrote:
>> I tried the same web page on a Debian Sid machine and tried to add a
>> payee. Here it works, when I type a string in payee search field, the
>> field drops down and shows a list of possible matches.
>> Difference in systems? This was on Debian Sid, Iceweasel, adblock
>> installed, but no noscript installed.
>> So looks like noscript is the culprit on my friend's Debian system?
> I have no problems using the TD Canada trust website with iceweasel in
> Squeeze. Noscript does provide an option to whitelist a site, and when I
> was still using no script I had TD whitelisted.

The user in question is also able to use all of the website with the
exception of that one thing: to search for a payee while adding one. The
search field does not drop down with a list of matches as he types in
the search string.

Also, he also had the bank's website whitelisted in noscript. He has
also tried it in Iceweasel with noscript and adblock addons disabled (in
Iceape, I don't think one can disable a plugin by choice), but the same
problem persists.

Not sure what really is going on here.



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