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Re: k3b & brasero don't work, nerolinux does- works ar 2X

"Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <bss@iguanasuicide.net> wrote:

> On Friday 2009 January 09 09:25:31 Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >There recently have been some mails from Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. and
> >Johannes Wiedersich that have not been send to me, so it seems that the
> >authors are not interested in a discussion.
> Actually, we are interested in discussion, but the are following the 

Then please follow the Nettiquette rules and send Cc:'s!

> I never claimed that there were no new releases of cdrtools.  I claimed that 
> wodim has had more stable releases since the fork than cdrtools.  Anyone can 
> verify my claim be going to http://www.cdrkit.org/releases/ and 
> ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ then counting the number of releases since 
> 2005 displayed.

Well, face the reality:

The minimum requirements one need to have on a "stable release" is that it
does not have known bugs at the time of piublishing. With this contraints,
wodim never had a stable release in it's lifetime.

Cdrecord had 50 stable releases that match the requirements within the past
three years. 

For wodim (better cdrkit in general), there are dozens of documented bugs that
are not fixed since years. Instead the people behind wodim publish fix typos
in the man pages and in the source comment in order to pretend activity.

If you speak for the Debian community, then it looks like Debian is if Debian
is completely uninterested in the Debian users.

> cdrkit, wodim in particular, is working.  I've used it many times in the last 
> few years.

cdrkit is not working and besides the problems from the _current_ thread
there are dozens of other bugs in cdrkit. Many of them are show stopper bugs as 
they make it impossible to use th software at all.

> > Did the 
> > initiator of wodim intentionally introduce bugs that make "cdrkit" unusable
> > in order to support closed source software?
> Doubtful.  Still, Debian and the cdrkit project welcome bug reports, which 
> will not be ignored.

???? Are you again ignoring reality?

There is a Debian user (Paul) who cannot write DVDs because Debian does not
include working software (cdrtools).

Paul asked here and did not get help from the Debian cummunity.

Paul did get help from me and simply going to the vanilla original software
fixed his problem.

If Paul makes a bug report, this will just add another bug to the long list of
bugs in cdrkit but it will not result in a bugfix. People who like to write 
CDs, DVDs or BDs just use the original software because Debian does anything to
prevent a vanilla Debian to be useful for this task.

Do whatever you like but don't forget that your current habbit is anti-OSS and
against Debian users.


 EMail:joerg@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       js@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       joerg.schilling@fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog: http://schily.blogspot.com/
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

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