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Re: Need Desperate Help Installing Debian-Builder

On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 03:33:31PM +0500, Yassir Saeed wrote:
> I am trying to get my hands dirty with linux as a MS(CS) Advanced
> Operation system Final Project. So far i am going fine enough, but i
> am having a problem installing debian-builder package
> i tried to install it from Aptitude (package manager) but there are
> lot of dependencies they have the message "unsatisfactory" or
> "unavailable".
> also i have no luck with apt-get. i do not know how to edit
> resources.list as "root", and donot know to links required to install
> debian-builder package
> Please i beg you to help be "Fate of my course is in your hands" Yasir
> saeed  (please reply at yassir_saeed@hotmail.com

Does this mean that those of us without a CS anything degree can
automatically get a MS(CS) if we've been using CLI debian for years, and
can correctly answer your question?



If you don't know how to edit resources.list as root then you probably
should not be installing debian-builder or trying to build (or rebuild)
packages. :)

To install packages, you have to be root, however you get there (login,
su, sudo, or aptitude asking you for root's password).  If anyone but
root could edit sources.list then they could Trojan-horse the whole

Run aptitude update then use aptitude interactively and select
debian-builder.  If any dependancies are unmet, you'll see it there
before you try to install it.  You can then poke around and see what's

Then you'll have to become root.  If this is your machine, you will have
the root password.  If this is not your machine, you'll have to ask the
sysadmin for some help.


P.S.  My address has been posted to this list before.  You can mail my
MS(CS) degree at your convenience.


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