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Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

On 29 Nov 2007 at 21:46, Bob Goldberg wrote:

> OK;
> I agree - problem is DEFINITELY ldap authentication; forget about 
> exim....
> my exchange server is setup to accept clear text, and anonymous OK (even
> though I'm not trying to be anon).
> here's the thing - I have no idea what is going on between ldapsearch,
> and my exchange server.
> I've tried netcat'g the host:389 to see if I could evesdrop, but to no
> avail.
> I've tried telnet'g to the host:389, and DO connect, but have no idea 
> what the communication should look like, and I get no responses at all
> regardless of what I try.
> ldap is definitely running - I can run custom queries, and 
> ldap://queries thru my windows browser with success.
> the problem IS debian authenticating w/ the exchange server.
> Can someone tell me some way to diagnose just what is happening in this
> communication between ldapsearch & ldap server ???
> Or can someone point me / show me how a structured communication to 
> the ldap server would look like, so I can try sending it thru telnet -
> just to see if I can get it to work that way.... Then I can try & figure
> out what ldapsearch is sending...
> ????
> TIA - Bob

I have not done this with AD; however, I have done it with Novell's eDir on a 
Netware Box. After confirming what attributes where visiable with an LDAP 
Browser on my windows workstation (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~gawor/ldap/), 
I wrote a perl script to verify/test e-mail address verification on the eDir. 

****** Perl Snippit **************
 # Open Connection to the LDAP server
 print "Opening a connection to $ldhost ... ";
 $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldhost) || die "Could not connect -- $@";
 print "OK\n";
 print "Binding ... ";
 # Do an anonymous bind
 $mesg = $ldap->bind;
 $status = $mesg->code;
 $errmsg = $mesg->error;
 print "Status: ($status) $errmsg ";
 # Do a search for each e-mail address
 foreach $addr (@eaddrs) {
   print "Looking for $addr ... ";
   $filter = "(\&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson) (mail=".$addr."))";
   $mesg = $ldap->search(base=>$ogunit, filter=>$filter, attrs=>@attribs );
   $status = $mesg->code; $errmsg = $mesg->error; print "Status: ($status)
   $errmsg "; $ecnt = $mesg->count; print "found $ecnt entries\n"; if(
   $ecnt > 0 ) {    # Found email address in directory 
     foreach $entry ($mesg->entries) {
       $dn = $entry->dn;
       $spam = $entry->get_value('SpamControl');
       print "\t$dn \tSpamControl: $spam ";
       @email = $entry->get_value('mail');  
       foreach $alias (@email) { 
         if( $flag ) { print "\n\t  Alias: $alias"; }
         else {
           print "\n\tAddress: $alias"; 
   else { print "failed. Does not exist in the directory\n\n"; }
******** End of Perl Snippit ***************

Once, I was able to verify email addresses with the perl; I adjusted Exim4's 
configuration like so ... (You need to have the "heavy" exim4 package)

 #### CWR Attempt at LDAP E-Mail Address verification
 #### accept any "group" or "mail list" address which are not in the
 #### eDirectory
       domains = kimberly.uidaho.edu
       recipients = lsearch;CONFDIR/acceptable.lst
 #### check for individual e-mail addresses which are in the eDirectory
       domains = kimberly.uidaho.edu
       message = Administrative prohibition - unable to validate recipient
       condition = ${lookup ldapm{ \
                     (mail=${quote_ldap:$local_part@$domain})} {0} {1} }
 #### CWR Attempt at LDAP -- discard

The key for me, was using the perl script and ldap browser to verify what 
attributes where visiable when doing an anonymous bind to ldap _and_ how to 
code the request. 

I how this helps a bit. My setup is a Novell Netware server hidden from the 
outside world and a Debian ETCH server visable to the outside world running 

-- cheers Clarence -- 
Clarence W. Robison, P.E.

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