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Re: getting scim to work on KDE

On 10/24/07, H.S. <hs.samix@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried with xcim:
> $> cat .xinput.d/en_CA
> #
> # Use "X input Method" for all applications
> #
> # Per Ming's Documentation in SCIM, XIM Input Method is activated
> # not only for old X-applications but also for GTK and QT appplication.
> #
> # If a user wish to use, GTK Input Method, (s)he can right-click input
> # area and select "Input Methods" and change from "X input Method" to
> # "SCIM Input Method".
> #
> XIM_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/scim
> XIM_ARGS="-d"
> #GTK_IM_MODULE="scim"
> #QT_IM_MODULE="scim"
> DEPENDS="scim,scim-anthy|scim-canna|scim-chewing|scim-pinyin|scim-hangle|scim-prime|scim-skk|scim-tables-additional|scim-m17n|scim-uim|scim-tables-ja|scim-tables-ko|scim-tables-zh"
> With xim, it doesn't work at all. I just get the scim keyboard in the
> panel but not its toolbar and neither can I change the input.
> Using scim, however, it works except in KDE applications.
> Here are the packages I have related to scim:
> $> dpkg -l *scim* *m17n* | grep ^i | gawk '{print $2}'
> libm17n-0
> libscim8c2a
> m17n-contrib
> m17n-db
> scim
> scim-bridge
> scim-bridge-agent
> scim-bridge-client-gtk
> scim-bridge-client-qt
> scim-gtk2-immodule
> scim-m17n
> scim-modules-socket
> Any other suggestions?

Not any really great ones, but you could check your environmental variables
(type "env" on the command line) to make sure they are right (environmental
variables can be overridden depending on the read order of files they are in).


(I am not using scim-bridge, I think it is just a way to work around C++
version issues, which you shouldn't have in Debian)

Also, are you using Debian stable or testing or what?

In the scim setup window, does your input method have its own listing under
"IMEngine"? If so, does it have an on/off or trigger setting that
agrees with the
"global setup" setting? (I am not sure this is needed, but that is how mine is.)

These might help:


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