Re: Thinking about devoting a serious part of my life to linux...
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On 09/04/07 17:50, blues wrote:
> On Sep 4, 5:10 pm, "" <>
> wrote:
>> On Sep 4, 12:30 am, Amit Uttamchandani <> wrote:
>>> Linux and Open Source in general are definitely the future.
>>> First step will be to use Linux full time as your main system. I recently
>>> started using Debian Etch full time and I have definitely learned so much more.
>>> There is always something new that you will learn everyday.
>>> Next step would be to read up on how linux works. Great place to start would be
>>> the /usr/shar/doc/FAQ and HOWTO directories. I guarantee you if you read every
>>> single document there, you will a linux guru in no time.
>>> Then finally of course, would be to play around and build your own linux system.
>>> The best place to start would be
>>> Of course, intermediate step would involve building your own kernel and
>>> compiling programs from source.
>>> And Debian is definitely the right choice.
>>> Amit
>>> --
>> The most popular business distro is some form of Red Hat. I don't like
>> it but that is what the suits go for. A very popular one among the
>> programming community is Slackware. As an old (in all senses)
>> programmer I find Slack congenial to those of us who like to "touch
>> the wires together by hand."
>> For a pure learning experience there is gentoo (vaguely debian-like)
>> or
>> Linux From Scratch. If you fight your way through one of those
>> installs you will know a lot of the tearful side of Linux. They don't
>> hide the details, they glory in the low level nuts and bolts.
>> I admit to prejudice. Debian and Ubuntu manage to hang up on my
>> particular system. I can make a new install of Slackware 12 run by
>> copying over my old /etc directory.
>> Debian has an entirely different /etc structure so that trick won't
>> work
>> with that distro.
>> --
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> OK. Point taken. I will try to communicate as though I would like to
> be taken seriously. Here is what I have done today to further my
> dream:
> In my room, I have four computers:
> My favorite desktop pc - - AMD 1.24 Ghz.....1 Gig of RAM.....Windows
> XP
> My laptop -- HP Pavilion zv6000 AMD 64 3200 (2Ghz) 1 Gig
> RAM .....Windows Vista Home Premium
> A pieced-together Gateway Intel 733Mhz 256 RAM that I am currently
> installing my only copy of any Linux distro, which is Fedora Core 4
> A really old PC with 96 MB of RAM that I am running Knoppix Live
Unmentioned is networking gear.
> I also picked up a copy of A Practical Guide to Linux Commands,
> Editors, and Shell Programming by Mark Sobell.
> After getting Fedora installed. I hope to be able to upgrade it
> without much trouble and begin setting up my server to practice my
> networking skills. I will start with all of your suggestions, which I
> honestly appreciate, and will check back very frequently.
It's definitely a start!
Remember, though, that every computer is a server and every computer
is a client. It all depends on what service(s) you run on each box.
And, of course, some OSs are not so good at multi-tasking. They are
(obviously) not good at being servers.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!
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