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Re: [OT] The record industry, RIAA and US law

On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 18:00 +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Am 2007-05-11 10:48:06, schrieb Joe Hart:
> > What really fears me is that it is just a matter of time before one
> > group of radicals gets access to WMD and I pray they don't send them my way.
> Right, - and it is already to late.  The USA have over 46800 nuks/WMD's.
> I pray for a real Nuke-Accident in the USA so they are wake up or fuck
> them self.  I hope someone break into the american Nuklear-Defense-
> Network and activate some nuks for self-destruction.

Nice drive-by mailing, you have a knack to pull the hair up on people's
necks. In regards to the nukes self-destructing...

The Silos that hold 95% of these long range missiles are "first, second,
third and fourth strike" impenetrable. Have a fully sealed self
sufficient crew and environment inside. Therefore, if they
self-destruct, these silos are able to withstand an explosion, holding
the problems inside them.

You might get a little bit out of them, but nothing serious. But the
inside would be definitively unable to be entered for MANY MANY MANY
years. Yes there would be leakage, but then most of the silos are inside
vast military installations, minimizing the effects on civies.
greg, greg@gregfolkert.net
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