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Re: [OT] Screen

"Kelly Clowers" <kelly.clowers@gmail.com>
> RE: "just" a literature nerd - a very impressive literature nerd,
> when you are more CLI oriented than someone who is a future
> sysadmin and is trying to become as CLI oriented as possible.

...Well, that whole thing kind of started because I just never used
the mouse. In high school, when I didn't know any better and used
Windows when I had to use a computer, I thought I just hated
computers. It turns out that I actually just hated Windows and the
basic assumptions it makes about what people want to use their
computers for and how they want to go about doing that. So
basically when I discovered this other way of doing things I was
hooked pretty much right away because it's comparatively simple
(adduser username, as opposed to searching and clicking through
tons of menus to do that same thing, is a good example). Also, I
pick things up fairly quickly, so learning curve isn't necessarily
as much of an issue (especially since I didn't really have any old
habits to break since I actively *avoided* computers instead of
recognizing their usefulness as a tool before discovering Linux).

> I am finding wmii to be a very good mouseless wm (switched from
> fluxbox) for all my term and vim needs, although I suppose
> stumpwm must be pretty nice for a dirty emacs user ;-)

Haha...definitely. Also, I use a laptop (moving dorm rooms every
year makes that more practical than a desktop) computer, so
titlebars are just a little much for me :-) . How long do you want
to bet it takes before someone sees this thread and turns it into
an Emacs vs. Vi/m war? Yikes.

> Ron Johnson wrote:
> > I *knew* you weren't a Real Geek!!!!

This is what I keep trying to tell people!

> > You were born 25 years late.

Perhaps for more than one reason...I feel like there's waaay too
much apathy going on at present (give us iPods and we'll postpone
the revolution indefinitely, it seems). There were definitely
problems with some of the methods in the 60's and 70's (especially
splintering of groups because of a failure to address multiple
issues and be open to coalition work, plus secondary
marginalization), but at least more people seemed to *care* back
then. But then again, that latter might just be from talking to
nostalgic, aging hippies yearning for the "good old days" instead
of doing actual research.

> > A female that writes lisp? I'm highly suspicious.

Oh dear...whatever shall I do if my cover is blown? This will blow
the lid off of the whole conspiracy to make it look like women can
use Emacs and lisp!

> > Tyler Smith wrote:
> > > Amy Templeton wrote:
> > > > I'm all about that thing with the umm...trees, I think?
> > > > Real world. That's the phrase),

> > > As a botanist I can relate. Even more so as a student with a
> > > thesis pending...

Glad to know I'm not alone :-) .

> > > > Also, I just prefer having fewer windows open. And if for
> > > > some reason I have to restart X, I don't lose whatever was
> > > > going on in the terminal since it just "detaches" instead
> > > > of closing and killing whatever process is running.

> > > This has come up a few times. I don't really understand. Some
> > > experimenting is in order I think.

Basically, screen can be running "attached" to a terminal, so you
can look at it and type in it directly, or you can start it and
maybe start a process inside it and then "detach" it. Say you boot
to a console and start screen, then do an apt-get update; apt-get
upgrade and you find out that half your system is being updated!
So, fine, you can wait and maybe do something in another screen
window meanwhile...but then you want to start X, but still have
easy access to what APT's doing. You detach screen, type startx,
and open up an xterm and do "screen -r" and there's your old

> > > I installed stumpwm from the repos last night. It runs from a
> > > lisp REPL!

It doesn't have to. There's now a makefile that'll make a binary,
available in CVS. Also, it comes with a couple of scripts that
start it up for you (stumpwm.sbcl and stumpwm.clisp) if you don't
feel like using a binary.

> > > You have now officially blown your cover. Just waiting for
> > > the photographic proof that you are actually a crusty old AI
> > > hacker with a long beard and sandals... aha! here you are:

Hahaha...wow...if I were less tired right now I would come up with
a very clever response involving beardy men (what is up with that,
by the way? Is it a fashion statement, or are they waiting for a
computer-controlled razor? I mean, no offense to anyone but...),
conspiracies, international political intrigue, maybe a computer,
and a wrench and several pieces of string.

I do wear sandals, though. "Flip-flops," actually. They make for
easy barefoot walking if I should come across some grass, since I
always feel wrong walking with shoes over soft grass unless it's
really, really muddy and I'm dressed nicely.


You will overcome the attacks of jealous associates.

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