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Re: apt-get install synaptic / sources.list

Amy Templeton wrote:

This is true, but a bad attitude does come out in the
presentation of that thought. Comments like "Apparently this
is too obvious to bother writing anywhere" when complaining
about a lack of documentation aren't productive--if taken at
face value, this particular example is just
self-deprecating. If the sarcasm that (I think) is
underlying it is also taken into consideration, it takes on
a dimension of rudeness thinly masked by self-deprecation.
Either way, just asking for help rather than sniping at
yourself and/or the documentation folks is more helpful and
probably takes less time to write, as well.


I would completely disagree because it seems that it is thought that the answer is so obvious that it is not worth writing about anywhere. Which is exactly what I said. The only way that could be taken sarcastically is if it was read, and the reader registered the sentence structure without bothering to think about the content - which is spot on. What other explanation could there be for the lack of an official repositories list.

And there is easily enough documentation - it's just not spread evenly over all topics. The reason? Because posts like this are ignored.

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