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Re: Relabel partition didn't work

On 4/5/07, Douglas Allan Tutty <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:


This discussion wouldn't be complete without a note about the FHS. (see
man hier and the debian policy manual).

The FHS is a policy document about what directories can be where and
what they're used for.

Thanks Doug. I will do some reading on FHS to better understand that topic.

You suggested:

Rename the mount point

       # mv /xyz /store

I didn't think of that. It looks safer and easier to me than 'mkdir /store' && 'rm -r /xyz'.

Greetings and thanks to all.


@ Joe Hart
> It turns out that Michelle is both male and female and prefers the term it.
> It might even comment on this message because it is mentioned here.
> Boy does that sentence sound funny.

ROTFL. I will show this to my dad, so me and my sisters can refer to him as IT from now on. If he won't listen to IT, we'll remind him that his first name, Jean, is also considered both male and female. I hope this will lecture him not to use HE anymore for the entire world population.

Bye, Manon.

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