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Re: Qemu and tun/tab usage - /dev/net/tun permissions

Mathias Brodala wrote:
Hello Bob.

Bob McGowan, 01.03.2007 20:53:
I'm trying to set up bridged networking for a Qemu guest system.  The
doc I have says I need to do a 'chmod 666 /dev/net/tun' to be able to do

And, I see the permissions on it are:

crw------- 1 root root 10, 200 2007-02-27 16:28 /dev/net/tun

So, methinks, I should fix the udev configuration so it sets the
permissions to 666 rather than 600.

Only one problem.  /etc/udev/permissions.rules says:

KERNEL=="tun",                  MODE="0666"

On my system there is a /etc/udev/tun.rules file which seems to set up the
device and its permissions:

$ grep -r tun /etc/udev/* | grep 666
/etc/udev/permissions.rules:KERNEL=="tun",                      MODE="0666"
/etc/udev/rules.d/020_permissions.rules:KERNEL=="tun",                  MODE="0666"
/etc/udev/rules.d/010_tun.rules:KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/%k", MODE="0666"
/etc/udev/tun.rules:KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/%k", MODE="0666"

You might want to try looking for it or creating it if necessary.

Regards, Mathias

Thanks for the suggestion. It had no impact on device permissions or creation, when I added it.

Thanks to all for your ideas. Given that I need a bit more than just this file permission change, to use tun/tap as a user, I've decided the simplest solution, for now, is to just add the commands needed to set things up in the /etc/rc.local file. This way I can run the bridge setup, tunctl, and chmod command as root during boot and so have it available whenever I need to run Qemu.

Thanks for all the suggestions.


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