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Which TeX distribution to use?

Dear Debian users,

I am wondering which Debian TeX packages to use, TeXLive or teTeX. I
have been using teTeX, and it has been all right. However, some parts
seem to be outdated, such as ConTeXt (which I use), and this results
in some missing features. Here's the detail:

% texexec --version
 TeXExec 5.2.4 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

               texexec : TeXExec 5.2.4 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005
               texutil : TeXUtil 9.0.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1992-2004
                   tex : pdfeTeX, 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
               context : ver: 2005.01.31
               cont-en : ver: 2005.01.31  fmt: 2007.1.31  mes: english

        total run time : 1 seconds

So, do you think it would be all right to switch to the "context"
package available with TeXLive in Debian, and is the LaTeX support
etc. also identical to that with teTeX?


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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