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Re: how many CDs for v3.1 r3?

hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 07:23:11PM +0530, Amit Joshi wrote:
> >
> > I don't know, but this has been discussed quite a lotta times in various fora.
> > Users often get stunned by the number of CDs and get confused what to
> > download and what not to.
> Perhaps http://www.debian.org/distrib/ should explicitly say
> If you have a decent internet connection, you only need the netinstall
> CD or the first regular CD.  The rest will be downloaded as needed
> and you won't waste bandwidth downloading packages you won't use.
> and the netinstall option should be the *first* on the list.  Definitely
> it should be presented before the option of downloading the complete set
> of CDs or DVDs.

Many thanks for your elaborated reply. I prefer to download the iso
image at least for the
first time install of the distribution as it would give me a better
*feel* about the distribution
and the packages included with it. Later, I can manage my machine even
when the
network is not available. May be installing next release of Debian, I
would go for a network

> THen it should go on to explain:
> The other CD's are needed only if you are installing on a machine
> without a decent net connection, and you can install a very
> respectable Debian system using only the first few CDs, which contain
> the most popular packages.  The later CDs in the set contain less
> popular packages.

I still have not received a definitive reply to my question as yet.
Which, to repeat was:

" I found out that I would need to download 18 CDs: 15 regular and 3
for the update.
I would like to know whether all these CDs have binary files or are
these also include CDs
 with sources and documentation. If so, which ones of them?"

In fact, I have received conflicting statements to answer this query.
Just compare the two
statements below.

<As far as I know they include documentation and source code - thats in
one key-feature of free-software.> Samuel Bächler


<Just Binary Files. Documentation..as in relevant man-pages would be
provided.>Amit Joshi

I am unable to decide which one of these is correct.

Having used Redhat and Slackware before which just use 4 CDs each for
the boot and
packages and a couple more for the documentation and sources, it is
difficult for me to take
15 CDs for the installation of packages alone.

IF this *is* really the case, there should be some good reason for
this: Does debian offer a
 lot of packages choices? Lot more than does either slackware or redhat
so as to need this
 much number of CDs?

OR the .deb packages are not as much efficient and do not use good
compression to
squeeze them all in a fewer CDs?

> That said, a list of which CDs contain which packages would still be
> useful.
> -- hendrik

Again, still awaiting some insight into the above issues.

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