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Re: Wanted: decent GNOME player with MP4/AAC support

Kelly Clowers schrieb:
On 11/12/06, André Wendt <andre.wendt@web.de> wrote:
Kelly Clowers schrieb:
> Do you have Marillat's "gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad" package
> installed? It uses libfaad2 which is apparently the best aac decoder
> out there. If you have that, Rhythmbox and Banshee should be able
> to handle aac.

Thanks for the info. In fact, I have the package installed, but still
cannot play AAC. I just reinstalled rhythmbox, maybe I installed them in
wrong order before and something got messed up. (I don't know a lot
about music libraries and plugins.)

I'll report back if I made any progress.


I got some .m4a files and tested them in Rhythmbox and Amarok.
They worked fine, but I see there are reports of some aac files working
and others not working.

What errors do you get when trying to import the files? You say you
have aac/mp4 files; are the extensions .mp4 or .aac or both? If some
have different extensions, have you tried importing just one file at a
time to see if it fails on one type but not the other?

Thanks for you time and patience. Rhythmbox reports "Could not decode data stream" under Library/Import Errors. All the files in question have .m4a extension, and they are in the same format (renaming to .aac or .mp4 does not change the behavior). It does not matter if I try to import a single file or a directory.

Banshee gives the same error after importing, when trying to play the file.

And after all, mplayer, XMMS and xine can all play my AAC files... Why can't the two programs that offer a music library? :-(

Also, take a look at this bug:

Maybe it's a tag problem.

Sorry, you lost me here. What is a "tag problem?" I was not using the musicbrainz tagger, so I don't think the bug report relates to my problem.


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